"Zin & Zen" Adult Coloring Party
Thursday, September 24th
5:00PM - 8:00PM @ Leisure Time WInery, Napoleon, OH
Coloring is just for kids, right? Not anymore! Recently, adults across the country have picked up coloring books as a way to relax and unwind. Coloring books for adults are the latest trend, and unlike some fads, this one is actually really good for you! Psychologists now know that coloring allows you to relax, unwind and reduces your stress levels. Coloring is meditative, and has become the newest relaxation technique. The trend has spread nationwide as adult coloring books are popping up on bestseller lists. As coloring books have become an increasingly popular hobby for adults, this usually-solo activity has also turned into a social one. Coloring parties - in which adults gather to sip wine and socialize while coloring - have become the latest craze! So join us if you are looking for a way to find your inner zen while also exploring your artistic side, and enjoy a glass of Zin as well! Lots of different adult coloring books will be available, as well as several different kinds of coloring crayons, pencils and markers.
Doors open at 5:00pm, wine bar and food menus available
$20 includes all coloring supplies and a glass of wine. Food menu available.
For the party at Leisure Time Winery, Napoleon, OH please call (419) 758-3442 for reservations.