Plank Serving Tray or Round Mandala Tray/Lazy Susan or HOME Sign Painting Class
Judy Brubaker's Cottage
Saturday, June 29th
10:00am - 12:00pm
Stencils make these serving trays FUN and EASY, and you can choose from 30+ colors to match your decor. We have a total of 14 different designs for you to mix and match to create a tray that YOU design using either the rectangular plank trays, round trays, or lazy susan! We're also offering our new HOME sign, with lots of options to personalize your sign! No previous painting experience or drawing skills necessary. This class was designed for BEGINNERS! All supplies are provided.
$45 per plank tray with 2 handles
$50 per round tray with 2 handles
$55 per round lazy susan
$60 per lazy susan with handles
$45 per HOME sign
Plank Tray Stencil Options: (can also be used on Round Trays EXCEPT Birds in the Trees)
First I drink the COFFEE, then I do the things
Wreath with Initial
Script last name and Block Initial
Team Logo
Red Rooster
Birds in the Trees
Mandala Stencil Options:
Mandala 1
Mandala 2
Mandala 3
Mandala 4
Mandala 5
Mandala 6
HOME Sign Stencil Options:
Any State (Please specify)
Any Logo (Please specify)
State of Ohio
Farm Animal (chicken, pig, horse, cow, sheep - please specify)
Farm Tractor
Farm Windmill
Paw Print
Deer Antlers
Reservations available now at:
Or by caling (419) 572-0796